The Chronicles of Queerantine


As we all adjust to the new normal we wanted to check in to see how everyone was getting on, in a new series we call The Chronicles of Queerantine. Today, we chat with some of the fabulous ShoutOut Board of Directors.

Here we have Anna, Eoin, Clare and Paul!

How are you though?

Anna: Up and down!

Eoin: Calm.

Clare: A bit gloomy it has to be said, but healthy and safe.

Paul: I'm good. I'm getting used to the new normal and work is busy, which helps.

Where are you quarantining?

Anna: Our little one-bed apartment with my partner.

Eoin: Apartment in London.

Clare: I live in Bethnal Green in East London with three lovely friends.

Paul: My boyfriend and I are in our apartment in London

Do have a non-human friend with you? Dog? Cat? Spider?

Anna: I wish!

Eoin: Do plants count? We've registered to become foster parents for a dog/cat so let's see.

Clare: I wish!

Paul: Alas, no non-human friends

Favourite series to binge during the quarantine?

Anna: Atypical on Netflix

Eoin: Ozark.

Clare: Riverdale, it’s so fun.

Paul: I'm watching old sitcoms like Dinnerladies on Netflix (which is an absolute scream)



What is your quarantine snack of choice?

Anna: Tea and scones with raspberry jam. I got a premix pack in Tesco for less than a euro so it feels like I’ve done some baking and I get the baking smell but all I’ve done is mix up the batter with milk.

Eoin: Banana bread and wine.

Clare: Cubes of assorted fancy cheese.

Paul: I've gotten really into kiwis and bourbon creams.

Share with us a positive thing that has happened to you during the quarantine?

Anna: I’m 18 weeks pregnant and I’m starting to feel my baby move!

Eoin: Rediscovered stillness and an appreciation for the small things.

Clare: I've definitely gotten to know my local area a lot better from all the daily walks. Even though I live in a built-up city, there are so many interesting little pockets of green that I now have the time to discover. My favourite is definitely taking a spooky stroll through Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park. It's a beautiful old cemetery filled with flowers and ancient trees.

Paul: I've called my family so much more and focussed more on talking to the wonderful people in my life. I'm also reading more and cooking more elaborately.

Because not everything is rainbows, what sucks about the quarantine?

Anna: I’m getting bigger every day and I can’t go clothes shopping. Even my comfy clothes are uncomfortable.

Eoin: Not hugging friends.

Clare: Not to be hetero on main but I miss seeing my boyfriend!

Paul: Definitely being separated from my family. I haven't been home since Christmas and I don't know when I will get to next. Some of them have been unwell and it's hard not to worry but everyone's okay and that's all that really matters.

When at home, are you bear foot, socks, slippers or full-on wearing shoes?

Anna: Fluffy sloth slippers all-day

Eoin: Slippers all day every day

Clare: I'm an unashamed advocate of Birkenstocks and socks.

Paul: I got new slippers for this specifically, and they are a dream.

Any quarantine tunes to recommend?

Anna: Dua Lipa Don’t Start Now.

Eoin: Heroes by David Bowie.

Clare: Dolly Parton's Light of a Clear Blue Morning never fails to cheer me up and remind me of all the good times to come.

Paul: I saw a wonderful drag queen called Kate Butch just before this all kicked off and I've had Babooshka in my head ever since. Honourable mentions to Heart to Break by Kim Petra and Missing You by Robyn.

david bowie 1.jpg

Who is your current Queero? The LGBTQ+ person you love and look up to.

Anna: Every single beautiful queer that I have met during my time with Shoutout. I love you all xoxo

Eoin: Currently have a fascination with playwright/composer Noel Coward. He was unapologetically his fabulous self

Clare: Jacqueline Wilson for sure. I was always so impressed by her ability to take children's lives and experiences seriously and never patronise her readers. I'm very excited to read her new book about a same-sex relationship even though I am 26. I know it will mean a lot to a lot of people. Honourable mention to PJ and Kevin from the I'm Grand Mam podcast, who consistently provide me with my best laugh of the week. But also speak so honestly and openly about growing up gay and learning to feel comfortable in their own skin. A reminder of why ShoutOut is so important!

Paul: Aifric and Bella, our wonderful ShoutOut staff, have been doing an amazing job leading ShoutOut through all of this so they're definitely my Queeros of the moment!

We will march again

We will march again