Why volunteer with ShoutOut?

Make a real difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ young people.

Create visibility for LGBTQ+ issues in Irish secondary schools.

Join a community of like-minded volunteers.

Our volunteers are those who deliver the workshops to secondary schools. If you are interested in becoming a ShoutOut volunteer, please fill out the Expression of Interest form or email education@shoutout.ie - we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Most of our workshops are with secondary school students, so they are during school hours. We occasionally have them in the evenings and weekends, but they are primarily between 9 am and 4 pm Monday through Friday. We understand this doesn’t suit everyone’s schedule.

You must be 18 or over to volunteer with ShoutOut.

If delivering school workshops is not your thing, there are other ways you can volunteer. Are you talented with social media? Experienced working with young people? Or are you particularly interested in furthering LGBTQ+ inclusion in schools, sports, or the arts? Let us know!

“Volunteering with ShoutOut has meant that I can explore aspects of my identity, and I get to meet young queer students who are where I was years ago. To tell them, at least, that is school is tough but they have just as much power there as everyone else”

- ShoutOut Volunteer


Expression of Interest